J.K.L’s composition will be performed at the 30-year anniversary concert of the Philomela Choir! Text by Jenni Haukio.

The Philomela Choir ordered a composition from J.K.L for their 30-year anniversary concert. The concert will be held at the Helsinki Music Centre on March 29th. Lyrics for the composition are written by Jenni Haukio who is the wife of the Finnish president Sauli Niinistö. She is a famous writer in Finland. J.K.L arranged the composition for a band and a choir. You are warmly welcome to the concert! 


Philomela- kuoro tilasi Jorma Kalevi Louhivuorelta teoksen heidän 30-vuotisjuhlakonserttiaan varten. Konsertti järjestetään Helsingin Musiikkitalon konserttisalissa 29.3.2014. Teos on sävelletty Jenni Haukion runojen pohjalta. Teos on sovitettu bändille sekä kuorolle.
Tervetuloa konsertiiin!
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