Futuristic composition “Taikaa” for Philomela choir by Kalevi Louhivuori!

Philomela choir has been very successful in their 35-years of history! They actually just had their 35th year anniversary in Helsinki, Musiikkitalo!
The concert had 1800 people and it was broadcasted nationally through YLE radio. Philomela ordered this composition “TAIKAA” (which means magic) from Kalevi and this is how he explains the process:

“I´ve been composing music since I was a kid and to many different occasions and ensembles (bands, artists, big bands, choirs, symphony orchestras etc) but nothing has ever been so challenging as this process. Lot of it has to do with the fact that anything like this hasn´t ever been done before so I had to from mistakes. Also it was challenging to combine KAiKU Gloves (wireless midi-controllers) into the song which itself is over 15 minutes long.”

Soon the video of this composition will be out!

Stay tuned!

Kalevi Philomela KAiKU GlovesKALEVI PIANO75392811_798444793929850_1912000718693203968_n78061740_551389172327634_1800142976983236608_n


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