Posts from category Yleinen
Great review from Louis Armstrong Tribute concert (25th of sept. 2020)
Louis Armstrong Tribute videos released!
Futuristic composition “Taikaa” for Philomela choir by Kalevi Louhivuori!
Philomela choir has been very successful in their 35-years of history! They actually just had their 35th year anniversary in Helsinki, Musiikkitalo!
The concert had 1800 people and it was broadcasted nationally through YLE radio. Philomela ordered this composition “TAIKAA” (which means magic) from Kalevi and this is how he explains the process:
“I´ve been composing music since I was a kid and to many different occasions and ensembles (bands, artists, big bands, choirs, symphony orchestras etc) but nothing has ever been so challenging as this process. Lot of it has to do with the fact that anything like this hasn´t ever been done before so I had to from mistakes. Also it was challenging to combine KAiKU Gloves (wireless midi-controllers) into the song which itself is over 15 minutes long.”
Soon the video of this composition will be out!
Stay tuned!
Reuters made an article about KAiKU Music Glove at NAMM 2019!
USA TODAY: Six coolest music-meets-tech gadgets from NAMM 2019
Six coolest music-meets-tech gadgets from NAMM 2019, from $1.2M strap to foldable guitar
ANAHEIM, Calif.—Anyone who’s ever tried to take their favorite guitar onto an airplane knows what a hassle that can be. Will it fit in the overhead compartment? Do we trust airline personal to get our favorite instrument from point A to point B without losing it?
So we loved the idea of the Ascender from Ciari Guitars, a truly portable, foldable guitar, one that bends in half and can fit under the passenger seat. (You will have to retune after bending.)
Jonathan Spangler brought his prototype to NAMM this week, the musical instrument meets technology show that attracts over 100,000 people. It won’t come cheap — the model is $3,000 and will be out later this year.
Yes, there have been other travel guitars, smaller body models, “but they look like hatchets, paddles or road sticks,” says Spangler, the CEO of Ciari. “You’ll never lose custody of your guitar again.”
But we can dream.
The Keytar
—The Sonogenic Keytar. The Keytar, as Yamaha is calling this new instrument, is a portable electric keyboard that can be worn like a guitar, in true rock star fashion. The tech twist is that Yamaha’s companion Chord Tracker app analyzes your iTunes music library and offers song suggestions for you to play along with. Even if you don’t know how to play the song, every note you end up playing, while in “Jam Mode,” will be in key with the song, no matter if it’s a C, B flat or A sharp. You can also play the piano keyboard the traditional way as well. The $299 keyboard will ship in February.
Jam with cartoon buddies
—Kids can jam with imaginary friends on music.ILuv. The augmented reality app, introduced at NAMM, looks to get kids more excited by bringing in cartoon jamming mates. “I wanted to give kids a social environment to collaborate with one another,” says music.ILuv founder Melody Khair. The app is free, but there are in-app purchases to buy songs and animated characters.
A Musical glove and ring drums
The Kaiku glove connects to a smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth and can be used to make drumming sounds. A drummer could even ditch the set and just connect it to an amp. Inventor Kalevi Louhivuori says he set to make “the world’s easiest instrument. Anyone can learn to play their own hand.” It will be out in late 2019, at $299 for an adult glove, or $249 for a kids version.
Meanwhile, another company showed off something similar — $64.99 rings that also connect to mobile devices and an app to make beats. SpecDrums, from education company Sphero, are “the most portable way to bring out the music in you,” says the company’s Zane Taylor. The ring comes with a pad to drum on. Two rings (for both hands) can be had for $99.99.
The acoustic/electric hybrid guitar
—The acoustic/electric guitar. Guitar maker legend Fender introduced the American Acoustasonic Series Telecaster, a hybrid guitar that can be played without amplification as a traditional acoustic guitar or plugged into an amp for the natural, folk and country sound that comes with acoustic guitars. While plugged in, flick the switch on the side of the guitar, and now you’re rocking out, electric style, on a Telecaster, a guitar made famous by rock legends like Bruce Springsteen (who posed with one on the cover of “Born to Run,”) and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones. The guitar, on sale now, doesn’t come cheap. It sells for $1,999.
The world’s most expensive guitar strap
—And finally, if the thought of dropping $2,000 for a new guitar doesn’t phase you, how would you feel about $1.2 million for the world’s most expensive guitar strap? The bejeweled wonder touts 40 carats of diamonds, sapphires, rubies and emeralds set into 1kg of 18K gold. It was created by artist Colin Burn of Morley, Australia who set out to make “the world’s most beautiful guitar strap.” His hope is that he sells it to an “art collector or someone who loves rock and roll.”
Follow USA TODAY’s Jefferson Graham (@jeffersongraham) on Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Live stream from Ville Luukkonen graduation concert: Sibelius Academy
Harmony of the spheres plays 3 concerts at Tampere Biennale!
- Thu 12 Apr 2018 at 10:00
- The Old Church
Jorma Kalevi Louhivuori – trumpet, Aino Peltomaa – vocals, Antti Peltomaa – bouzuki, keys, electronics, Jari Suominen – synthetizator
The concert ends at about 10.40
O Pastor Animarum
O pastor animarum / et o prima vox / per quam omnes creati sumus / nunc tibi, tibi placeat / ut digneris / nos liberare de miseriis / et languoribus nostris.
O shepherd of our souls / and primeval voice / through whom all are created, / let it now be your pleasure / that you consent / to free us from our misery / and ailment.
– Hildegard of Bingen
Harmony of the Spheres explores a dialogue between human and universe, between the eternal and the present moment. Meditative surround soundscapes, inspiring Medieval tunes by Hildegard of Bingen and improvisation combine with original compositions to produce a soothing tapestry.
The guest performer in this morning’s improvisation is Jari Suominen on the DIMI-A synthesizer.
Suomi 100-years: First composition ever for smart gloves and a symphony orchestra!
The official Suomi 100 jury ordered an composition from Kalevi Louhivuori for the main Suomi 100 event which was held at Oulu on 2nd of december 2017. This was Kalevi´s first composition for an symphony orchestra and first composition ever for smart gloves!
Free Fall -festareilla lavalle voi nousta kuka vain – uudessa tapahtumassa soittaa tunnettuja artisteja ja nuoria lupauksia
Vernissan perjantaiöistä tutun Free Fall Nights -klubin konsepti pääsee testiin uusissa olosuhteissa, kun klubin järjestäjien samalla idealla toteuttama festivaali järjestetään ensimmäistä kertaa tulevana viikonloppuna.
Rytmimusiikkiin painottuvalla festivaalilla kuullaan tunnettujen artistien, kuten Emma Salokosken ja Osmo Ikosen, lisäksi nuoria vantaalaisia lupauksia.
Kuten klubeillakin, festivaalikävijät voivat nousta lavalle jammailemaan bändin ja artistin kanssa.
Muusikkoina itsekin työskentelevät järjestäjät Jan Vaaka ja Kalevi Louhivuori haluavat antaa nuorille artisteille mahdollisuuden osoittaa kykynsä ja oppia samalla uutta.
Niin sanotulla jamipassilla pääsee festivaalilla sekä kuuntelemaan musiikkia että esittämään sitä.
– Koko klubikonsepti syntyi aikoinaan siitä, että opimme itse nuorina muusikkoina paljon osallistumalla jameihin kokeneempien muusikoiden kanssa, Louhivuorimuistelee.
Nuorien muusikonalkujen kannattaakin näyttää taitonsa, sillä festivaalin yhteydessä järjestetään jami-kilpailu, jonka voittaja palkitaan keikkasopimuksella tuleville klubeille.
Keikkojen lisäksifestivaalikävijät voivat osallistua erilaisiin pajoihin tai käydä vaikka näyttelyssä.
Yhdessä pajoista voivat keikkalavaa arastavatkin kokeilla musisointia. Pajassa pääsee testaamaan tulevaisuuden soittimia, jotka puetaan päälle, Louhivuori kertoo ja esittelee tyköistuvaa valkoista hanskaa, jonka kämmenpuolella on paineltavia anturoita.
– Kynnys musiikin soittamiseen voi madaltua, kun soittimen saa pukea päälle, hän uskoo.
Pajoja ja muuta oheisohjelmaa on luvassa myös sunnuntaina, joka on omistettu lapsiperheille. Musiikin ohessa lapset voivat piirtää sarjakuvia tai rakentaa soittimia.
– Olemme halunneet tapahtumasta koko perheen festivaalin, jossa korostuu itse tekeminen, järjestäjät summaavat.
Ensimmäistä kertaa järjestettävää tapahtumaa ei ole haluttu profiloida liikaa, järjestäjät kertovat. Ensi vuonna isommin, he suunnittelevat.
Lippujen hinnat on haluttu pitää matalina, jotta mahdollisimman moni tulisi tutustumaan uuteen tapahtumaan.
– Uuden festivaalin nostaminen esille on haaste, mutta uskomme, että yleisö tulee nauttimaan viikonlopusta, Vaaka arvioi.
Klubeilta saatu palaute on ainakin ollut positiivista.
– Yleisö elää yhdessä esiintyjien jännitystä ja kannustaa kympillä, Vaaka kuvailee jamikeikkojen tunnelmaa.
Free Fall Fest ja Free Fall Kids la–su 5.–6.8. Vernissassa (Tikkurilantie 36).
Teksti: Jenni Nissi
Free Fall Fest
Perjantaina ravintola Ugglassa, Helsingissä (Annankatu 10) klo 22 mm. Micke Björklöf ja Ville ”Lefty” Leppänen. Ilmaiseksi sisään klo 24 asti.
Lauantaina: Room Full of Hendrix, Trespassers, Eternity Hour, Variant, Hoippuorkesteri, Emma Salokoski ja Osmo Ikonen.
Sunnuntaina: Aarne Alligaattori & Viidakkorumpu, Takuumiehet ja Mörrimöykyn suvi -musikaali.
Lisäksi mm. karaokeklubi, animaatiopaja ja Rakkauden tiloja -näyttely. Ruokakojuja sekä kahvila avoinna.
Liput lauantaina 31,50 euroa ja sunnuntaina 13,50/7,50 euroa tai perhelippu 32,50 euroa Tiketistä.
Lisätietoa: sekä Free Fall Nights Facebookissa.